Script to take the variables from a location bar and turn them into JavaScript variables
    Written by Mark Wilton-Jones, V1 13/9/2001, complete rewrite to V3 20-21/12/2001
          V4.0.0 updated 07/10/2004 to prevent possible cross site scripting
Please see http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/jslibs/ for details and a demo of this script
Please see http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/jslibs/termsOfUse.html for terms of use
This is version 4 of the script, allowing any valid variations of objects and arrays to
be used as variable names. This version of the script checks for validity and fails without
producing an error if invalid variations are used. The main portion is a full rewrite.
The script now uses safeGet as the parent object of all variables instead of making them
direct variables. If you want to revert to the older behaviour, you can override it as shown
To use this script, if you want the variables to also be provided as part of an array,
add the lines:
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript1.2">
var useArray = true;
//Since v4.0.0, the script also protects against possible cross site scripting - you can override
//that (not recommended) by uncommenting the next line
//var safeGet = false;
<script src="PATH TO SCRIPT/locvar.js" type="text/javascript" language="javascript1.2"></script>
into your page before any scripts that need the variables
If you do not want the variables to also be provided as part of an array, add the line:
<script src="PATH TO SCRIPT/locvar.js" type="text/javascript" language="javascript1.2"></script>
note with these examples that varb%5B3%5D.fr%5B%27+t%27%20%20%5D%5B%20%22hi%22%5D is
escape("varb[3].fr[' t'  ][ \"hi\"]")
<input name="varb[3].fr[' t'][&quot;hi&quot;]"> will automatically escape when the form is
submitted. If you generate the URLs yourself, you will have to escape the variable names, as
well as their values.
eg 1.
if the URL ends with '?vara=help_me&varb%5B3%5D.fr%5B%27+t%27%20%20%5D%5B%20%22hi%22%5D=now_please&myImg.x=2&myImg.y=4' and
useArray = true, the script will create the following (note, all are string variables):
safeGet.vara = 'help_me';
safeGet.varb[3].fr[' t']["hi"] = 'now_please';
safeGet.myImg.x = '2';
safeGet.myImg.y = '4';
getVars[0] = 'help_me';
getVars[1] = 'now_please';
getVars[2] = '2';
getVars[3] = '4';
getVars['vara'] = 'help_me';
getVars['[3].fr[\' t\'  ][ "hi"]'] = 'now_please';
getVars['myImg.x'] = '2';
getVars['myImg.y'] = '4';
eg 2.
if the URL ends with '?vara=help_me&varb%5B3%5D.fr%5B%27+t%27%20%20%5D%5B%20%22hi%22%5D=now_please&myImg.x=2&myImg.y=4' and
you do not put var useArray = true, the script will create the following (note, all are string
safeGet.vara = 'help_me';
safeGet.varb[3].fr[' t']["hi"] = 'now_please';
safeGet.myImg.x = '2';
safeGet.myImg.y = '4';
This script works by prefixing each variable name with 'window.safeGet.' and then working
through checking each word in turn. If the word is found to be an object and the object
does not exist then it is created. The same is done for any arrays.
window.safeGet.myVar.myVar2[5]['dfg']=10 is calculated as:
window.safeGet is an object. It exists. Do not create it.
window.safeGet.myVar is an object. It does not exist. Create it.
window.safeGet.myVar.myVar2 is an array. It does not exist. Create it.
window.safeGet.myVar.myVar2[5] is an array. It does not exist. Create it.
window.safeGet.myVar.myVar2[5]['dfg'] is a value. Equate it.

if( typeof(window.safeGet) != typeof(false) ) { window.safeGet = new Object(); }
function locclean( locvarcl, loctrue ) {
	//convert stuff like:
	//into normal characters
	//I need to do these few myself because I need a different response to unescape
	var locvarar = new Array(/\+/g,/%27/g,/%5C/g,/%0A/g,/%0D/g,/%0C/g,/%0B/g), varlocar = new Array(" ","\\'","\\\\","\\n","\\r","\\f","'+unescape('%0B')+'"), x;
	if( loctrue ) { locvarar.length = 1; } //If I'm not using eval(), I only need to convert the +
	for( x = 0; x < locvarar.length ; x++ ) {
		locvarcl = locvarcl.replace( locvarar[x], varlocar[x] );
	return unescape( locvarcl );
function findString(tempVal) { //returns the length of a valid string plus the whitespace around it
	if( tempVal.replace( /^\s*/, "" ).charAt( 0 ) != "'" && tempVal.replace( /^\s*/, "" ).charAt( 0 ) != '"' ) { return -1; }
	var backSl = 0; //I did have a regular expression to detect valid strings but NS4 had a bug that made it fail.
	for( var y = 1; ( backSl % 2 || tempVal.replace( /^\s*/, "" ).charAt( y ) != tempVal.replace( /^\s*/, "" ).charAt( 0 ) ) && y < tempVal.length - 1; y++ ) {
		if( !tempVal.replace( /^\s*/, "" ).charAt( y ).replace( /[\n\r\f]/, "" ) ) { return -1; }
		if( tempVal.replace( /^\s*/, "" ).charAt( y ) == "\\" && ( tempVal.replace( /^\s*/, "" ).charAt( y + 1 ) == "\\" || tempVal.replace( /^\s*/, "" ).charAt( y + 1 ) == tempVal.replace( /^\s*/, "" ).charAt( 0 ) ) ) {
			backSl++; } else { backSl = 0; } } if( y == 1 ) { y = 0; }
	return y + 1 + ( tempVal.length - tempVal.replace( /^\s*/, "" ).length ) + ( tempVal.replace( /^\s*/, "" ).substr( y + 1 ).length - tempVal.replace( /^\s*/, "" ).substr( y + 1 ).replace( /^\s*/, "" ).length );
var lvTempVar = window.location.href.replace( /#.*/, "" ).replace(/'/g,'%27').replace( /&/g, "&window."+(safeGet?'safeGet.':'') ) + "&", getVars = new Array(), locvarx = 0, locvartemp = "";
//eg locvartemp = 'http://www.blah.com/test.html?var1=car%20p&var2%5B3%5D.fr%255B%20t%5D%5Bhi%5D=carp2&myvar=sugar&iNm.x=2&iNm.y=4&'
//I need that last & in there so the script knows where the end of the last variable is
if( lvTempVar.indexOf( "?" ) + 1 && lvTempVar.substr( lvTempVar.indexOf( "?" ) + 1 ).length > 1 ) {
	//there are variables, what are they?
	lvTempVar = ( "window." + (safeGet?'safeGet.':'') + lvTempVar.substr( lvTempVar.indexOf( "?" ) + 1 ) );
	while( lvTempVar.indexOf( "&" ) + 1 ) {
		locvartemp += locclean( lvTempVar.substr( 0, lvTempVar.indexOf( "=" ) ), true ) + lvTempVar.substring( lvTempVar.indexOf( "=" ), lvTempVar.indexOf( "&" ) + 1 );
		lvTempVar = lvTempVar.substr( lvTempVar.indexOf( "&" ) + 1 );
	} //that unescaped the variable names but not the contents
	//eg locvartemp = 'window.safeGet.var1=car%20p&window.safeGet.var2[3].fr[' t']["hi"]=carp2&window.safeGet.myvar=sugar&window.safeGetiNm.x=2&window.iNm.y=4&'
	lvTempVar = "window";
	//keep looking until you reach the end of the string
	while( locvartemp.length > 0 ) {
		//Check for Opera bug where RegExp are not properly matched
		if( "^fdg".replace( /\W[\w\W]*/, "" ) ) { window.defaultStatus = "Browser bug detected. Script aborted without error."; break; }
		if( locvartemp.charAt( locvartemp.search( /\W/ ) ) == "." ) { //That last one was an object
			if( typeof( eval( lvTempVar ) ) != "object" ) { eval( lvTempVar + " = new Object();" ); } //this is a valid object. create it.
			locvartemp = locvartemp.substr( locvartemp.indexOf( "." ) + 1 );
			//add the next valid word to the text to be evaluated
			lvTempVar += "." + locvartemp.substr( 0, locvartemp.search( /\W/ ) );
			if( locvartemp.search( /[a-z_]/i ) != 0 ) { locvartemp = "&"; continue; } //the . after an object MUST be followed by a-z, A-Z, _. Force safe failure
		} else { if( locvartemp.charAt( locvartemp.search( /\W/ ) ) == "[" ) { //That last one was an array
				if( typeof( eval( lvTempVar ) ) != "object" ) { eval( lvTempVar + " = new Array();" ); }
				if( locvartemp.charAt( locvartemp.indexOf( "[" ) + findString( locvartemp.substr( locvartemp.indexOf( "[" ) + 1 ) ) + 1 ) == "]" ) { //they have used quotes.
					lvTempVar += locvartemp.substr( locvartemp.indexOf( "[" ), findString( locvartemp.substr( locvartemp.indexOf( "[" ) + 1 ) ) + 2 ); //valid. Add [THEIR_STRING] to the text to be evaluated
					locvartemp = locvartemp.substr( locvartemp.indexOf( "[" ) + findString( locvartemp.substr( locvartemp.indexOf( "[" ) + 1 ) ) + 2 );
				} else { //they should have used a number. Have they? If not, force safe failure
					if( "" + parseInt( locvartemp.substring( locvartemp.indexOf( "[" ) + 1, locvartemp.indexOf( "]" ) ) ) + "" != locvartemp.substring( locvartemp.indexOf( "[" ) + 1, locvartemp.indexOf( "]" ) ).replace( /\s/g, "" ) || isNaN( parseInt( locvartemp.substring( locvartemp.indexOf( "[" ) + 1, locvartemp.indexOf( "]" ) ) ) ) ) {
						locvartemp = "&"; continue; }
					lvTempVar += locvartemp.substring( locvartemp.indexOf( "[" ), locvartemp.indexOf( "]" ) + 1 ); //valid. Add [THEIR_NUM] to the text to be evaluated
					locvartemp = locvartemp.substr( locvartemp.indexOf( "]" ) + 1 );
				if( locvartemp.charAt( 0 ) != "[" && locvartemp.charAt( 0 ) != "." && locvartemp.charAt( 0 ) != "=" ) { locvartemp = "&"; continue; } //the ] after an array MUST be followed by . or [ or =. Force safe failure
			} else { if( locvartemp.charAt( locvartemp.search( /\W/ ) ) == "=" ) { //This is the end of the variable name
					//this is a valid variable. create it/them.
					eval( lvTempVar + " = '" + locclean( locvartemp.substring( locvartemp.indexOf( "=" ) + 1, locvartemp.indexOf( "&" ) ) ) + "';" );
					if( window.useArray ) { //they want the getVars array. Fill it up
						getVars[lvTempVar.replace( (safeGet?/window\.safeGet\./:/window\./), "" )] = locclean( locvartemp.substring( locvartemp.indexOf( "=" ) + 1, locvartemp.indexOf( "&" ) ), true );
						getVars[locvarx] = locclean( locvartemp.substring( locvartemp.indexOf( "=" ) + 1, locvartemp.indexOf( "&" ) ), true );
					//prepare to use the next variable
					locvartemp = locvartemp.substr( locvartemp.indexOf( "&" ) + 1 );
					lvTempVar = locvartemp.substr( 0, locvartemp.search( /\W/ ) );
				} else { //safe failure
					window.defaultStatus = "Invalid variable format. Script aborted without error.";
					getVars = new Array(); //remove older answers
					break; //They have put in a variable that does not have a valid name format. abort.
locvartemp = null; lvTempVar = null; locvarx = null; //clear up