Wii Remote emulator


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This script


Attempts to emulate the Wii Remote API and JavaScript events using a mouse and keyboard - this should allow many games or special pages written for the Internet Channel on Nintendo Wii to work on normal desktop browsers.

Current version

Appears to be 1.0

Browser support

Trident / EdgeHTML / Tasman (Internet Explorer 4+, Edge 44-)Script works as expected in IE 9+ (standards mode only)
Opera 7-12Script works as expected
Gecko engine browsers (Mozilla, Firefox, Netscape 6+, etc)Script works as expected
KHTML / WebKit / Chromium / Blink / QT WebEngine / QTWebKit / WebKitGTK (Chrome, Vivaldi, Opera 15+, Edge 79+, Safari, Konqueror, OmniWeb 4.5+, iCab 4+, NetFront Chromium / WebKit)Script works as expected in Safari 2+ and OmniWeb 5.5+
iCab 3-Script cannot work
Rhino + W3C DOM (ICEbrowser)Script cannot work
Rhino + layers / W3C DOM (Escape / Evo, iBrow)Script cannot work
NetFront 3+ NetFront engineScript cannot work
Opera 5 and 6 Elektra engineScript cannot work
Netscape 4Script cannot work
OmniWeb 4.2-Script cannot work
Rhino + pDOM (Clue browser)Script cannot work
WebTVScript cannot work
Tkhtml Hv3+Script cannot work
Netgem NetBoxNot tested but it should work
OpenTVNot tested but it should work
iPanel MicroBrowserNot tested but it should work

Accessibility notes

Scripts designed to work only using the Wii Remote API are already inaccessible to any other browser. This script helps extend to some desktop browsers, making those pages more accessible. However, it relies on a specific mouse type as well as a keyboard, and cannot work if JavaScript is disabled. Ensure that without JavaScript, without a mouse, and without a Wii Remote, the page content is still accessible.


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This site was created by Mark "Tarquin" Wilton-Jones.
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