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Emails I have received about this site

Showing 201-300 of 905

  1. LTH - A more common XOR idiom

    A better way of emulating the XOR operator

    17 years ago (21 June 2007)

  2. Anders Jenbo - Only accurate browser bench mark is video

    A possible way to reliably do benchmarking

    17 years ago (20 June 2007)

  3. Lee Underwood - Script Usage and a note

    Script listings that link to viruses

    17 years ago (19 June 2007 to 20 June 2007)

  4. Robert Oates - Nested list collapsing script parent style change

    Changing the style of a list when it is expanded

    17 years ago (19 June 2007 to 20 June 2007)

  5. Eric Steinborn - Cookie script saving seperate cookies past root folder

    Good subject

    17 years ago (19 June 2007 to 20 June 2007)

  6. David Knopfler - Thanks and query

    Browsers slowing to a crawl on MySpace sites

    17 years ago (16 June 2007)

  7. Anthony Gasparich - how to eliminate the form and download feeds on page load

    Problems using utf-8 feed content with my RSS/Atom feed parser script, and the ASP passthru script

    17 years ago (14 June 2007 to 16 June 2007)

  8. Mike C - Position: fixed; related issue

    Failing to implement a workaround for IE 6's missing position:fixed support

    17 years ago (14 June 2007 to 15 June 2007)

  9. Steve Devlin - RSS/Atom feed parser

    Various configurations for my script

    17 years ago (13 June 2007)

  10. Gábor Kertész - referencing elements by id

    Asking why the getElementById method is used instead of just using the global variable with the same id

    17 years ago (12 June 2007)

  11. Bridget Morison - Use of Images in Collapsible list displaying incorrectly in Opera 9

    Parts of images being drawn in the wrong places when using my script

    17 years ago (12 June 2007)

  12. Mark Underhill - Form Fields in draggable layers in firefox focus problem

    Using form inputs in a dragable layer

    17 years ago (7 June 2007 to 5 June 2007)

  13. Brian - Help with text pop script from your website

    Opening and resizing a popup to fit a Web page

    17 years ago (30 May 2007 to 5 June 2007)

  14. Satish Mehta - News on Dragable table cell enhancement

    Asking how to highlight the column that the dragged cell was dropped on

    17 years ago (26 May 2007 to 28 May 2007)

  15. Olier Raby - Thanks for CSS menus script

    Good subject

    17 years ago (25 May 2007)

  16. Lucas Croslow - RSS/Atom Parser Problem

    PHP warning messages being produced when using my script

    17 years ago (22 May 2007)

  17. Gareth Barlow - Script error for DOM

    Pointing out a mistake in my tutorial

    17 years ago (17 May 2007)

  18. Atle Maeland - importXML, is it possible to load multiple XML documents?

    Importing multiple XML files on one page

    17 years ago (15 May 2007 to 17 May 2007)

  19. Travis Nep Smith - Thanks for listCollapse

    Thanking me for one of my scripts

    17 years ago (10 May 2007)

  20. Michael Ennis - Using PerfectPopups with video files

    Using plugins with my perfect popups script

    17 years ago (9 May 2007 to 10 May 2007)

  21. Julian Hall - - xor

    An alternative algorithm for simulating the XOR logical operator, and how browsers view the DOM of incorrectly nested elements

    17 years ago (5 March 2007 to 10 May 2007)

  22. Páll Zoltán - just wanted to say thank you and let you know

    Thanking me for one of my articles

    17 years ago (6 May 2007)

  23. Otto Manninen - question concerning Nested list collapsing script

    CSS rules not being applied to the collapsed lists when a class selector is used

    17 years ago (6 May 2007)

  24. James G. Mintz - Rotate Text

    Rotating text labels on my graph script

    17 years ago (26 April 2007 to 1 May 2007)

  25. John Stockton - Your page ... validmonth.html

    Alternative ways of manipulating dates

    17 years ago (25 April 2007 to 1 May 2007)

  26. Şamil - how to change text in file field

    Trying and failing to trick the user into filling in a file upload input

    Between 18 years ago and 17 years ago (1 February 2006 to 1 May 2007)

  27. Nigel Hill - RE: ... No, Internet Explorer did not handle it properly

    A theory about IE's failure to comply with standards

    17 years ago (24 April 2007)

  28. Richard Garcia - virtual keyboard - initKeyEvent

    Manipulating form values using a DHTML keyboard (for a kiosk)

    17 years ago (23 April 2007 to 24 April 2007)

  29. Josef H. Altenbuchner - confused about Window Size

    Using different stylesheets depending on the browser window size (not the screen size)

    17 years ago (22 April 2007 to 24 April 2007)

  30. Muhammad Jazman - Your site ( contain word ...

    URL-based filters blocking access to some pages on my site

    17 years ago (19 April 2007)

  31. Denton Thomas - Browser speed comparison page -still- interesting. Good work. [eom]

    It's all - literally - in the subject

    17 years ago (17 April 2007)

  32. Aaron Nel - Please include a page with some useful java scripting tools

    Asking for advice on Web page generation tools

    17 years ago (14 April 2007)

  33. Erik Norgaard - JavaScript tutorial: when are script executed and the object element

    Trying to bypass the JavaScript security model by using a Java applet

    17 years ago (13 April 2007 to 14 April 2007)

  34. Han-Kwang Nienhuys - timestamp on browser speed page

    Asking when the tests were done

    17 years ago (12 April 2007 to 14 April 2007)

  35. Wes Davis - Out of memory at line: 126 Error

    Errors when creating Flash objects with script

    17 years ago (10 April 2007 to 14 April 2007)

  36. Calvin Edwards - Expandable Banner Ads

    Reusing a saved copy of one of my script demos

    17 years ago (10 April 2007 to 14 April 2007)

  37. Martin Stein - Question about your microbrowsers comparisons

    Asking how relevant my device browsers tests are today

    17 years ago (10 April 2007 to 14 April 2007)

  38. Federico Schwindt - ForceHTML greasemonkey version permission

    Converting one of my User JavaScripts to make it work with Greasemonkey, and re-releasing it

    17 years ago (9 April 2007 to 14 April 2007)

  39. Tom Jackson - RSS feed without a web server? If even possible?

    Running my RSS/Atom feed parser without a server

    17 years ago (4 April 2007 to 14 April 2007)

  40. Karl Marklund - Generic dragable layer - design detail

    Detecting when the mouse moves while dragging an element

    17 years ago (8 April 2007)

  41. Greg Burman - Question about Unload Event handling

    Asking how to detect when the browser window is closed

    Between 19 years ago and 17 years ago (24 August 2005 to 7 April 2007)

  42. Hank - questions

    Display issues with bullet lists

    17 years ago (23 March 2007 to 30 March 2007)

  43. Bob Vaz - expandable/collapsible table

    Toggling the display of all except the first few rows of a table

    17 years ago (27 March 2007 to 28 March 2007)

  44. Karen Stella - Is it possible to spec the browser window width with html?

    Resizing the browser window to fit a design

    17 years ago (26 March 2007 to 27 March 2007)

  45. Ben - Release in a [brand] theme

    Using one of my scripts as part of a bundled software package

    17 years ago (25 March 2007)

  46. April Bowen - May I use your parser?

    Using one of my scripts as part of a bundled software package

    17 years ago (23 March 2007)

  47. Marek Pawłowski - [Name of site] Feed and your site

    Republishing the contents of my newsfeeds on another site

    17 years ago (20 March 2007 to 22 March 2007)

  48. Jeffrey Sabarese - Char. Encoding - Entities - IDE Behaviours

    Encoding problems when opening utf-8 documents in editors that are not utf-8 aware

    17 years ago (19 March 2007 to 22 March 2007)

  49. Lugojan Alexandru Gheorghe - problems with Table Width

    Table column widths incorrect when an earlier row has a cell with colspan

    17 years ago (20 March 2007 to 21 March 2007)

  50. Barb - Nested list collapsing script - problem oninitial page load or refresh

    Telling my script to collapse lists before the page has completed loading

    17 years ago (19 March 2007)

  51. David Harris - Just a typo

    It happens

    17 years ago (19 March 2007)

  52. BVLS Prasad - Server Side JavaScript - AJAX Vs PHP!! Which One ?

    How to use server side and client side languages to make a Web application

    17 years ago (28 February 2007 to 18 March 2007)

  53. Michael Lunsford - Pure CSS menus (in IE7, standards mode)

    Trying to make horizontal pure CSS menus work in IE 7

    17 years ago (8 February 2007 to 18 March 2007)

  54. Petr Kras - small typo on

    How many days are in a year again? ;)

    17 years ago (16 March 2007)

  55. Ashley Hindmarsh - Commercial use of "Making IE using position:fixed"

    Asking about the license terms for some CSS in one of my articles

    17 years ago (14 March 2007 to 16 March 2007)

  56. Roger Hughes - Perfect Popups

    Using spaces in the SRC attribute for images

    17 years ago (13 March 2007)

  57. David Garrett - findPosition - problem for Firefox where <table align="center" ...>

    Finding the position of a centre-aligned table

    17 years ago (28 February 2007 to 1 March 2007)

  58. Stephanie Floyd - Web Browers Icons

    Creating a favicon for browsers to display in their address bar and bookmarks menu

    17 years ago (27 February 2007 to 28 February 2007)

  59. Matt Larkins - Toggle function for showDiv / hideDiv

    Using a single link to show and hide a div

    17 years ago (20 February 2007 to 23 February 2007)

  60. Serges Lemo - Great turotial! Can I offer it to other people?

    Using one of my tutorials as educational material

    17 years ago (17 February 2007 to 18 February 2007)

  61. Libwebdev - Seeking clarification of your description of XSS

    Asking if you have to be logged into a site, for a cross site scripting attack to be dangerous

    17 years ago (15 February 2007 to 18 February 2007)

  62. Pierre Syraud - News on Dragable table cell enhancement

    Enhancements for my script to reorder table cells

    17 years ago (16 February 2007 to 17 February 2007)

  63. Dan Oyler - Rollover script

    Client side image maps

    17 years ago (14 February 2007)

  64. Loren Dorez - Saving Multiple Forms to a Cookie

    Saving the values of different input types into a cookie

    17 years ago (11 February 2007 to 14 February 2007)

  65. John - Thank You For The Pop Up Window Script

    What the subject says :)

    17 years ago (21 November 2006 to 13 February 2007)

  66. Vinod NP - hello friend

    You could be forgiven for thinking this was spam

    17 years ago (12 February 2007)

  67. Anonymous - Problems with RSS/Atom feed parser

    Porting the PHP passthru script to ASP

    17 years ago (22 January 2007 to 12 February 2007)

  68. Tejas Shah - thank you so much for your javascript opera table resize fix

    Exactly what it says in the subject

    17 years ago (6 February 2007)

  69. Ferenc Pataki - having identical navigation pane on many pages?

    Including the same set of links on several pages of your site

    17 years ago (4 February 2007 to 6 February 2007)

  70. Teet Kalm - How to create frames-like page using CSS?

    Using CSS to simulate frames, in a way that works in Internet Explorer

    Between 18 years ago and 17 years ago (11 October 2006 to 28 January 2007)

  71. Guillaume Larocque - Remove title from feed parser and limiting the number of characters in feeds

    Modifications for my RSS/Atom feed parser

    17 years ago (25 January 2007 to 27 January 2007)

  72. Charles Robertson - Opera 8.53 browser and embedded QuickTime movie

    JavaScript failing to communicate with QuickTime after reloading the page in Opera 8

    17 years ago (25 January 2007 to 27 January 2007)

  73. John Robinson - is a HTML subroutine possible

    Including the same set of links on several pages of your site

    17 years ago (25 January 2007 to 27 January 2007)

  74. Jeff Baird - Thank You/Typo Corrections for HTML Tutorial

    Good subject :)

    17 years ago (9 January 2007 to 27 January 2007)

  75. Rich Jenulis - constructive comments on your site

    Fanmail happens :)

    17 years ago (25 January 2007)

  76. Pat Farabee - Slight Issue with one of your Javascript Examples

    Conflicts between checking for existing properties, and setting all possible properties without checking

    17 years ago (23 January 2007)

  77. Charlie Watson - Thanks for your page on window referencing...


    17 years ago (19 January 2007)

  78. Scott Trotter - Tip regarding Pocket IE rendering of handheld styles

    Using handheld media in Pocket IE and Opera Mobile

    17 years ago (19 January 2007)

  79. Robert Kent - No Question - Just Thanks for a superb Javascript dhtml tutorial

    What the subject says :)

    17 years ago (16 January 2007)

  80. Randy Jensen - trouble cookieing in ie6 and opera with the stylesheet switcher script

    Saving style preferences using my stylesheet switcher script when reloading the page

    17 years ago (4 January 2007 to 9 January 2007)

  81. Philip Whittaker - problem with calculating browser window width

    Offering a possible way to find the actual available width of a window without adding extra markup

    Between 19 years ago and 17 years ago (10 December 2004 to 9 January 2007)

  82. Martin - Firebug and javascript.options.strict

    More misunderstandings about strict JavaScript warnings

    17 years ago (30 August 2007 to 8 January 2007)

  83. Sam Mirshafie - Referencing the browser speed test on my site

    Quoting part of one of my articles

    17 years ago (7 January 2007)

  84. Azmi Tenikalp - Problem with style switcher js & Opera 9 ?

    Enabling alternate stylesheets in Opera

    17 years ago (7 January 2007)

  85. Debarati Chatterjee - Freezing column problem in Firefox2.2 though it is working fine in IE6.0

    Using relative positioning on a table cell to fix it in position

    17 years ago (4 January 2007 to 6 January 2007)

  86. Mindy Midcap - Hiding Email Addresses

    Hiding your email address from spammers

    17 years ago (2 January 2007)

  87. Richard Jordan - Parsing an image using your XML importing script

    Adding enclosure support to my RSS feed parsing script

    Between 19 years ago and 17 years ago (12 July 2005 to 2 January 2007)

  88. Nikola Lazic - Link broken on [cookie page]

    Yep, it was

    17 years ago (1 January 2007)

  89. Gary Bell - Getting a page error warning in IE7

    Internet Explorer displaying the page address 'about:blank' for popups

    17 years ago (29 December 2006 to 1 January 2007)

  90. Eric Brannan - Problem running Falling Snow Script

    Problems with my script not working when the comments are left in

    17 years ago (21 December 2006 to 23 December 2006)

  91. Larry Cryderman - Great site and info! ...THANKS !

    Using the right DOCTYPE to get pure CSS menus working in IE 7

    17 years ago (22 December 2006)

  92. Kirk Brocas - Firefox Trunk (Minefield) now acid2 compliant

    Yep, I know :)

    17 years ago (21 December 2006)

  93. Abhimanyu Chirimar - integrating rss feed upon page-load instead of clicking 'go'

    Displaying only the item titles when using my RSS/Atom feed parser

    17 years ago (20 December 2006 to 21 December 2006)

  94. Kool Kat - Falling Snow

    Problems with falling snowflakes disappearing behind parts of the page

    17 years ago (18 December 2006 to 19 December 2006)

  95. Mark Gibbens - You may want to expand your "multiple IE platform" advice?

    Testing Internet Explorer on Linux or Unix

    17 years ago (15 December 2006 to 19 December 2006)

  96. Charlie Anderson - Second Acid Test results in Mozilla Firefox 3.0a (Gran Paradiso)

    Asking why Firefox 3.0a1 fails the Acid 2 test

    17 years ago (17 December 2006)

  97. James Le Cuirot - Vertical workaround for IE ShrinkWrap bug?

    Avoiding the vertical version of the shrinkwrap bug in IE 5-6

    17 years ago (14 December 2006)

  98. Xavier Cabezas - Passing the value returned after an onblur event.

    Validating a form onsubmit, and when each input is blurred

    17 years ago (6 December 2006 to 14 December 2006)

  99. Joshua Edelstein - perfect popups source content

    Asking where the contents of the Perfect Popups comes from

    17 years ago (12 December 2006)

  100. Matthew Grimm - getRefToDiv - is brilliant - thank you

    Thanking me for my JavaScript tutorial

    17 years ago (9 December 2006)

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