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Emails I have received about this site

Showing 301-400 of 905

  1. Allen Fong - browser speed test graph view request

    Hiding browsers from the graphs in my browser speed test results

    17 years ago (6 December 2006)

  2. Andrew Thomas Blake - a PHP call within CSS? e.g. background-image: url(image-generator.php);

    Dynamically generating background images for use in CSS

    17 years ago (2 December 2006 to 3 December 2006)

  3. Oliver Blindenbacher - importxml.js with IE7

    IE 7 failing to use window.XMLHttpRequest correctly on Web pages loaded from local disks or CDs

    17 years ago (30 November 2006 to 1 December 2006)

  4. Paul Price - Javascript Securiy Issues

    Warnings appearing when using scripts in Internet Explorer, for pages loaded from the local computer

    17 years ago (28 November 2006 to 29 November 2006)

  5. Gabriel Ripley - Thank you for the IE 5.5+ position:fixed fix

    Thanking me for one of my articles

    17 years ago (28 November 2006)

  6. Sylvain Lavalley - W3C CSS validation on your website

    The CSS validator does not understand CSS 3 media queries

    17 years ago (27 November 2006)

  7. Kate Purcell - Using Movable Mini Windows Script

    Spam - in disguise

    17 years ago (16 November 2006)

  8. Jörn Zaefferer - Why Firefox's strict JavaScript warnings are useful

    No. They are not. They are wrong.

    17 years ago (15 November 2006)

  9. Tommy Svensson - Extending the dragable layer to also be a drop zone

    Extending my generic dragable layer script to perform drag-drop

    17 years ago (14 November 2006 to 15 November 2006)

  10. Sean Kerwick - Nested list collapsing script - selfLink and Raymond Martens' changes

    Fixing someone else's extension to one of my scripts

    17 years ago (13 November 2006 to 15 November 2006)

  11. Ed Jacob - CSS Menu doesn't work in IE7

    Using my pure CSS menus in Internet Explorer 7

    17 years ago (13 November 2006 to 14 November 2006)

  12. Ayodele Smith - Jackson - Determining page/scrollable height of a php dynamically created page

    Problems obtaining the height of the contents of an iframe from different subdomains

    Between 18 years ago and 17 years ago (12 October 2006 to 14 November 2006)

  13. Toan Nguyen - saveXML does not work + why not only document.getElementById

    Sending XML between the server and browser for use in JavaScripts

    17 years ago (9 November 2006)

  14. Veronica Longo - Press inquiry - authorisation to publish

    Reprinting one of my articles in a magazine

    17 years ago (7 November 2006 to 8 November 2006)

  15. John Zehnder - Trouble using miniwindow over top of Iframe

    Problems with browsers performing badly when dragging a positioned element over an inline frame

    17 years ago (4 November 2006 to 5 November 2006)

  16. Mike Thornton - popup'tastic

    Resizing a window to fit a video

    Between 19 years ago and 17 years ago (15 October 2005 to 5 November 2006)

  17. Trev R. Harmon - Permission Request: "DHTML Show/Hide multi level script"

    Using one of my scripts as part of a bundled software package

    17 years ago (3 November 2006)

  18. Sumeet Sheokand - MouseEvents-click on a link not working...

    Simulating a click on a link using script

    17 years ago (31 October 2006)

  19. Sean Michael McGee - Permission to Use Scripts

    Asking for permission to use a script on a web page, because it is company policy

    18 years ago (26 October 2006 to 30 October 2006)

  20. Celson Aquino - Can I use a copy of this page?

    Making a software license based on mine

    18 years ago (29 October 2006)

  21. Demez Christophe - Problem report with article : "Making IE 5.5+ use position: fixed;"

    Statically positioning a table row, while the rest of the table scrolls

    18 years ago (27 October 2006 to 28 October 2006)

  22. Roxana - perfect popup width/height problem

    Trouble when using large images with my perfect popups script

    18 years ago (28 September 2006 to 26 October 2006)

  23. Thomas Green - RSS Parser is brilliant. Permission please

    Using one of my scripts as part of a bundled software package

    18 years ago (25 October 2006)

  24. Anonymous - Subject removed

    Yet another supposedly optimised Firefox version, that fails to deliver

    18 years ago (23 October 2006)

  25. Jonathan Hobbs - Using RSS parsing script without the form - have checked email archive

    Using my RSS/Atom newsfeed parser without the form - again

    18 years ago (20 October 2006 to 21 October 2006)

  26. Vincent Yuan - Radio, Check Buttons On and Off and Re-direct script Help for Office Guidelines

    Showing or hiding blocks of content when radio/checkbox buttons are clicked

    18 years ago (18 October 2006 to 21 October 2006)

  27. Phil Turner - css block positioning float bugs?

    Getting float based layouts to work in Internet Explorer

    18 years ago (9 October 2006 to 21 October 2006)

  28. Daniel Zabinskas - Thanks for HowToCreate script referenc

    Is making up your own subject really that hard? :P

    18 years ago (20 October 2006)

  29. Joey Manlapaz - Between Firefox and Internet Explorer

    Deciding whether to change to a better browser than IE

    18 years ago (15 October 2006 to 16 October 2006)

  30. Thomas Zuber - alternate style sheets

    Using stylesheet combinations to reduce the number of alternate stylesheets

    18 years ago (15 October 2006 to 16 October 2006)

  31. Al Ingham - XML Parser

    Modifying the number of entries, and the details displayed, by my RSS/Atom feed parser script

    18 years ago (13 October 2006 to 16 October 2006)

  32. Anne-Lise Roigt - Thanks for HowToCreate script reference

    A little bit of this, and a little bit of that

    18 years ago (13 October 2006)

  33. Tim Bartel - Need Restore Down for Movable Mini Windows

    Adding functionality to my mini windows script

    18 years ago (11 October 2006 to 13 October 2006)

  34. Antonio Angelo - event handlers has different behaviour under Firefox

    Alerts making Gecko browsers retain link addresses in the status bar, even if scripts try to change it

    Between 20 years ago and 18 years ago (3 September 2004 to 13 October 2006)

  35. Peter Higginbotham - expanding section & highlighting an entry

    Highlighting arbitrary links in a collapsed list

    18 years ago (7 October 2006 to 10 October 2006)

  36. Ze Stuart - Script usage permission request

    Asking for permission to use one of my scripts

    18 years ago (8 October 2006 to 9 October 2006)

  37. Shawn Brown - Mark, Nice Site Redesign. Thanks!

    Compliments to Moose

    18 years ago (7 October 2006)

  38. Scot Schlinger - Great site and question on broswer compatibility

    Getting mouse position and tabbed interface effects to work in all current browsers

    18 years ago (22 September 2006 to 6 October 2006)

  39. Thomas - problem using swapstyle.js

    Changing the stylesheet without showing a flicker of the old one

    18 years ago (15 September 2006 to 6 October 2006)

  40. Denilson F. de Sá - Special string characters

    Minor update to my JavaScript tutorial, and ongoing conversations

    Between 19 years ago and 18 years ago (11 December 2004 to 6 October 2006)

  41. Trevor Munn - Incrementally loading script from cache or server

    Loading scripts only when they are needed

    18 years ago (5 October 2006)

  42. Emil Heyrovsky - Thanks for HowToCreate site

    Fanmail :)

    18 years ago (2 October 2006)

  43. Dominique Echalier - Using validateEmail.php with java apache mail server

    Using my PHP based email validation script

    18 years ago (28 September 2006 to 2 October 2006)

  44. Brady McCain - Using plain text in <li> followed by underlined link

    Using nubmered lists with my script, without the numbers being links

    18 years ago (29 September 2006)

  45. Tim Cliff - Possible security using javascript and asp combination

    Automatically authenticating local users

    18 years ago (29 September 2006)

  46. Daniel Jacobsohn - question about previous email thread

    Expanding a nested list, at the same time as loading a page

    18 years ago (25 September 2006 to 29 September 2006)

  47. Yousef Ourabi - IE browser side bar and drag and drop

    Drag/drop failing to work in Internet Explorer's explorer bar

    18 years ago (28 September 2006)

  48. Alex Campbell - collapsible list script enhancement attached

    Extending one of my scripts

    18 years ago (27 September 2006 to 28 September 2006)

  49. Andrew Ariotti - Well done on your Popup Resize Script

    Thanking me for one of my scripts

    18 years ago (27 September 2006)

  50. Linus Sylven - Position : fixed; improvement.

    Preventing flickering when simulating position:fixed; in IE 6

    18 years ago (23 September 2006 to 26 September 2006)

  51. John Jainschigg - Permission to reprint XML Importing Script?

    Asking for permission to write an article about one of my scripts

    18 years ago (25 September 2006)

  52. Juri Shutenko - Error in the article "DOM Style Sheets"

    Checking if a browser supports DOM 2 stylesheets

    18 years ago (24 September 2006)

  53. Adam Wrzeski - internet explorer with PureCSS menus

    Warnings appearing when using scripts in Internet Explorer, for pages loaded from the local computer

    18 years ago (20 September 2006 to 23 September 2006)

  54. Josh Kotecha - Horizontal CSS menu with

    Using my CSS menus horizontally - they do not work that way

    18 years ago (20 September 2006 to 23 September 2006)

  55. Federico MP - Suggestion: How to test Konqueror

    Another way for Windows users to test Konqueror

    18 years ago (15 September 2006)

  56. Christopher R Newman - Q about cacheing dynamically created HTML nodes

    Maintaining the modified DOM of a page when going back and forward in history

    18 years ago (14 September 2006 to 15 September 2006)

  57. Rob Champagne - event listener for Firefox browser font size change

    Detecting when the user changes their font size setting

    18 years ago (21 August 2006)

  58. David Maley - I had to alter a line in RecoverInputs to make it work in Navigator 8

    Pointing out one more way that Netscape 8 sucks

    18 years ago (4 August 2006 to 7 August 2006)

  59. Vova Krushinskiy - offer to include one more test into the browsers' speed tests

    Asking me to add a new speed test, and retest all 73 browsers - not going to happen

    18 years ago (3 August 2006 to 4 August 2006)

  60. Allan Sandfeld Jensen - Recommandation of update in next browser speed comparison

    Konqueror with performance enhancements, apparently

    18 years ago (21 June 2006 to 23 June 2006)

  61. Eric Radman - What about the Dillo browser?

    Asking why Dillo was not listed in my browser list

    18 years ago (5 June 2006)

  62. Skyblaze - Will a good php tutorial be available ?

    Asking if I plan to write a PHP tutorial

    18 years ago (28 May 2006 to 1 June 2006)

  63. Ramesh Krishnan - Thanks for HowToCreate script reference- my compliments


    18 years ago (31 May 2006)

  64. Daniel Drucker - possible to hide outliers from your graphs?

    Hiding or including specific browsers in the browser speed graphs

    18 years ago (27 May 2006)

  65. John Douglass - Thank you for Making IE 5.5+ use position: fixed;

    Thanking me for an article

    18 years ago (25 May 2006)

  66. Sarah Bird - listCollapse + - help

    Removing the +/- sign on the collapsed list

    18 years ago (24 May 2006)

  67. Eva Pavan - Static logo creator info

    Scrolling problems with really long animated positioned elements

    18 years ago (21 May 2006 to 22 May 2006)

  68. Ran Shalom - Mini-Opera does not support auto-reload?

    Automatically reloading a page in Opera Mini

    18 years ago (21 May 2006)

  69. Dejan Stanojevic - Great browser test

    Thanking me for my browser tests

    18 years ago (18 May 2006)

  70. Ricky Elrod - Dragable layers question used with possibly another script??

    Integrating my script with someone else's

    18 years ago (7 May 2006 to 16 May 2006)

  71. Richard S. Albrecht - makeMIME problem, characters are being added

    PHP mail function adding strange characters when sending mail created with my script

    18 years ago (11 May 2006 to 15 May 2006)

  72. Rob Johnson - Fixed postion script

    Fixing an element in the middle of the browser window

    18 years ago (11 May 2006 to 15 May 2006)

  73. Wayne Bairstow - Conditions for use of your scripts

    Asking for permission to temporarily use a script privately without a credit link

    18 years ago (28 January 2006 to 15 May 2006)

  74. Jay Long - Nested list collapsing script; How to Expand all Items

    Nice subject

    18 years ago (12 May 2006 to 14 May 2006)

  75. Luis de la Orden Morais - DOM tutorial translation

    Asking if I have any translated versions of my tutorials

    18 years ago (11 May 2006 to 12 May 2006)

  76. Élisabeth Pauthier - not able to create perfect pop up windows !

    Centering the contents of a popup window

    18 years ago (9 May 2006 to 11 May 2006)

  77. Doug Wright - Mozilla JS warnings

    Clarifying why Firefox's strict JavaScript warnings are wrong

    18 years ago (9 May 2006)

  78. Nicolas R - Strange problem with Javascript cookies and .className function

    Storing a cookie that uniquely identifies an element

    18 years ago (22 March 2006 to 9 May 2006)

  79. Allan Jensen - Mistake in your Javascript tutorial?!

    Yes, it can happen

    18 years ago (7 April 2006 to 8 May 2006)

  80. Ian Ellis - Convert from ancient html to current standards

    Converting a large number of pages from old-style markup to modern markup and CSS

    18 years ago (6 May 2006)

  81. J Wolpert - no right click... works for all browsers tested

    Punishing users who use a program that suits their needs

    18 years ago (6 May 2006)

  82. Grégory -

    Ooh, look! Fanmail :)

    18 years ago (3 May 2006)

  83. Lim Wen Peng - about javascript onbeforeunload events, thanks

    Replacing the onbeforeunload dialog

    18 years ago (3 May 2006)

  84. Martin Ulis - perfect pop-ups

    Centering a popup before it resizes

    18 years ago (2 May 2006 to 3 May 2006)

  85. Colby Rountree - ultimate popup, safari issue...

    Safari refusing to resize the popup window for large images

    18 years ago (2 May 2006)

  86. Jon-Mychael Best - 2 fairly simple questions about the automated img roll

    Asking if each visitor will have to manually download each external script file

    18 years ago (26 April 2006)

  87. Gopi Reddy - just an observation

    Obtaining the width of the browser window

    18 years ago (26 April 2006)

  88. Joseph - enhancements for your for listCollapse.js for your review

    Suggesting an expand-to-find-link feature

    18 years ago (22 April 2006 to 24 April 2006)

  89. Sandro Bariatti - problem with perfect popups script

    My perfect popups being resized incorrectly when they exceed the size of the screen

    18 years ago (18 April 2006 to 24 April 2006)

  90. Jay Leavitt - initial visibility

    Hiding an element without having the styles in the source code

    18 years ago (22 April 2006 to 23 April 2006)

  91. Christopher A. Cali - methodology of browser testing not found in HowToCreate

    How to test in multiple browsers

    18 years ago (17 April 2006 to 21 April 2006)

  92. Heidi Kellner - Border Styles With Css and Divs

    Making a decorated border effect using CSS

    18 years ago (13 April 2006)

  93. Stan Zeidenberg - browser reaction time

    Browsers being unresponsive after clicking a link

    18 years ago (13 April 2006)

  94. George Fisher - RSS Parser, no form

    Using my RSS/Atom feed parser without a form

    18 years ago (13 April 2006)

  95. Russell Diehl - problem with frontpage

    IE giving access denied errors when using DHTML behaviours

    18 years ago (12 April 2006 to 13 April 2006)

  96. Jonathan - avoid repeating image background in cell in IE

    Excuses, excuses :P

    18 years ago (11 April 2006)

  97. Johan - need a hand to rewrite a Javascript

    Adapting a mouseover script, and loads of other stuff

    Between 19 years ago and 18 years ago (24 May 2005 to 8 April 2006)

  98. Jordon C. Mears - IE6 faking position: fixed through HTML DOM

    Implementing the IE position;fixed fix using DHTML

    18 years ago (5 April 2006)

  99. Ben Marks - Save Form Values Script

    Configuring my script

    18 years ago (31 March 2006 to 1 April 2006)

  100. Ron Lipke - nested list collapsing script style change

    Removing the +/- sign on the collapsed list

    18 years ago (25 March 2006 to 1 April 2006)

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