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Emails I have received about this site

Showing 501-600 of 905

  1. Guray Alsac - multiple generic dragable layers

    Working out the current positions of all of the dragable layers

    19 years ago (6 October 2005 to 7 October 2005)

  2. Kevin Waite - Save form script - how to not save certain values

    Preventing my script from saving the values of sepecific inputs

    19 years ago (5 October 2005 to 7 October 2005)

  3. Stian Totland - Bug in IE5.2 for Mac (XML importing script)?

    Preventing IE Mac (and Opera 7.5-) from throwing an error when using my XML importing script

    19 years ago (6 October 2005)

  4. David Carriger - Do You Write Custom Scripts

    The subject says it.

    19 years ago (4 October 2005 to 5 October 2005)

  5. Jeremy Bilien - Permission to use your scripts.

    Using one of my scripts as part of a bundled software package.

    19 years ago (3 October 2005)

  6. Ryan Adams - Question concerning Frontpage & Access integration

    Yuck! ;)

    19 years ago (29 September 2005 to 30 September 2005)

  7. Anonymous - Problem with "Nested list collapsing script" in Firefox

    Problems caused by saving a page using Internet Explorer

    19 years ago (25 September 2005 to 30 September 2005)

  8. Maren - writing webstats code into a .JS, tiny, really TINY script

    Trying to combine two scripts into one

    19 years ago (27 September 2005 to 28 September 2005)

  9. Sebastian Schimpf - modification for your Automatic collapsible list generation script [active state needed]

    Asking for a modified version of one of my scripts

    19 years ago (26 September 2005 to 27 September 2005)

  10. Craig Strickland - Problem with DOM browser support

    Problem with browsers handling invalid re-use of the same ID differently

    19 years ago (20 September 2005 to 21 September 2005)

  11. Andrew K. - Browser Speed Comparison Test Updates

    Asking when I next plan to update my browser speed tests article

    19 years ago (20 September 2005 to 21 September 2005)

  12. Karan S. Mohite - Mozilla Javascript Problem

    Problem with reading and writing innerHTML (correctly) creating a new element instead of moving the old one

    19 years ago (13 September 2005 to 17 September 2005)

  13. Wayne Carlson - Thanks for the position:fixed tip

    Thanking me for my article about getting position:fixed; to work in IE

    19 years ago (15 September 2005)

  14. Muhammad Imad Qureshi - SSL/HTTPS - JavaScript Files Not Working at all

    Problems with a server misconfiguration corrupting files

    19 years ago (8 September 2005 to 13 September 2005)

  15. Ben Devosz - Static ads

    Deciding if more revenue can be made by having intrusive adverts and no visitors, or unintrusive ads and lots of visitors

    19 years ago (12 September 2005)

  16. Arieh Smith - xml parser script not working with refresh

    A dashboard widget bug

    19 years ago (11 September 2005 to 12 September 2005)

  17. Mln Sastry - login data re submission

    • Preventing re-submission of form data
    • Making <body onload=...> and window.onload both work so that two scripts that require onload can work together
    • Many other queries

    Between 21 years ago and 19 years ago (7 August 2003 to 8 September 2005)

  18. Zhao - Avant Browser Start Speed

    Showing that Avant browser (the IE skin) needlessly slows down startup speed

    19 years ago (1 September 2005)

  19. Per-Åke Franklind - Slider control creator

    A stupid, misleading, damaging, invalid warning produced by Firefox's strict JavaScript checking option

    19 years ago (1 September 2005)

  20. Greg Levine - accessing a file on a different domain

    Trying to load files using XMLHttpRequest by using a proxy script on your own server

    19 years ago (1 September 2005)

  21. Michael Dayah - Centering content with fake IE position: fixed

    Exactly what it says

    19 years ago (31 August 2005 to 1 September 2005)

  22. Mary E. Daniel - %5C in URL

    Problems with browsers not interpreting %5C in a URL

    19 years ago (30 August 2005)

  23. Trupti Storlie - Pure CSS2 Menus - thanks!

    You will never guess...

    19 years ago (29 August 2005)

  24. Andrew Wiley - Script to Time Page Load? How Did You Do It?

    Accurately testing how long a page takes to load

    19 years ago (28 August 2005 to 29 August 2005)

  25. Gary Kuznitz - Please help me convert XML to HTML

    Asking how to process an XML file and display it as HTML

    19 years ago (24 August 2005 to 28 August 2005)

  26. Andy Hock - Is there a way to detect what word a mouse is hovering over? Or...

    Trying to work out what word is selected

    19 years ago (18 August 2005 to 28 August 2005)

  27. Mark Lee - RSS Scroller

    Asking how to scroll the news items in an RSS feed

    19 years ago (25 August 2005 to 26 August 2005)

  28. Mike Oliver - Make visable when window is wide enough

    Making elements appear only when the window is wide enough

    19 years ago (4 August 2005 to 24 August 2005)

  29. Charles Bowman - Pure CSS Menus - Links in Top Level

    Asking how to stop IE breaking the lines when putting links in the top level of a Pure CSS Menu

    19 years ago (23 August 2005)

  30. Emmanuel Poirier - did you make the speed comparison tests often or not?

    Basically ignoring the article and asking if supporting just 2 browsers is enough -> No, that is lazy, and causes problems for users and the site's future!

    19 years ago (22 August 2005)

  31. David King - Thank you for the speed testing

    Thanking me for my browser speed tests article

    19 years ago (21 August 2005)

  32. Kate - just to say thank you

    Thanking me for my Perfect Popups tutorial

    19 years ago (21 August 2005)

  33. Krothapalli Naveen Dath - How to write to a text file using javascript

    Take a guess ;)

    19 years ago (19 August 2005)

  34. Leticia Barbero - Your HowToCreate guide to browsers, such a useful reading!

    Thanking me for my browser speed tests article

    19 years ago (15 August 2005)

  35. Nathan McLaughlin - Importing Data into an XML file via submit form.

    Trying to find an easy way to allow multiple people to update an XML file

    19 years ago (15 August 2005)

  36. Sheryl Tan - Problem Implementing Nested List Collapsing Script in PHP

    Problems using my script with invalid HTML

    19 years ago (13 August 2005 to 15 August 2005)

  37. John Chan - Browser Speed Comparisons Testing Method

    Accurately testing how long a page takes to load

    19 years ago (11 August 2005 to 13 August 2005)

  38. Soledad M - Safari style problem

    Styling dropdown (select) browsers in Mac browsers

    19 years ago (10 August 2005)

  39. Daniel Crvelin - ActiveXObject containing multiple XML Files

    Reusing an XMLHttpRequest object

    19 years ago (9 August 2005)

  40. Paul Selker - Thanks very much for "No, Internet Explorer did not handle it properly" article

    The subject says it all

    19 years ago (8 August 2005)

  41. Steven Bontekoe - Why using childNodes for px?

    Asking why I check for the childNodes collection before adding the 'px' units with DHTML

    19 years ago (7 August 2005 to 8 August 2005)

  42. Rein Dolfing - How can I reuse the parseRSS newsitems-array ?

    Feeding the output from my RSS feed parser into someone else's message scroller

    19 years ago (2 August 2005 to 8 August 2005)

  43. No Name - function findPosition( obj )

    Offscreen buffering causing positions to be always calculated as 0 in IE

    19 years ago (6 August 2005 to 7 August 2005)

  44. Kenny - help with CSS/DHTML menu (behavior file)

    Help with using my CSS menus

    19 years ago (3 August 2005 to 6 August 2005)

  45. Steven White - I am having trouble with the Collapsible lists tutorial and code.

    Typo in my script documentation

    19 years ago (5 August 2005)

  46. Matthew Wimmer - Collapsible List Script

    Changing the expand/collapse image

    19 years ago (3 August 2005 to 5 August 2005)

  47. Loy Valera - I need help about your script that switches StyleSheets

    Applying a stylesheet change to more than one frame at a time

    19 years ago (1 August 2005 to 3 August 2005)

  48. Kavitha Nallamothu - request

    Bugs in legacy browser versions

    19 years ago (1 August 2005)

  49. James Bagley - Conflicts

    Trying to modify a script so it can influence more than one element

    19 years ago (29 July 2005 to 1 August 2005)

  50. Mrinmoy Pal - How to use javascript variable in html tag

    Setting a HTML attribute using the value of a JavaScript variable

    19 years ago (29 July 2005)

  51. Guy - Generic dragable layer -- the layer just wont let go!

    Making my dragable layers script let go after clicking (after mouseup-over-chrome)

    19 years ago (27 July 2005)

  52. Sujatha Aithal - Display tooltip for option tag [using javascript]

    Trying to show tooltips for option elements with too much content

    19 years ago (20 July 2005 to 27 July 2005)

  53. Ed Henry - IEContext Window Re-Size - PERFECT !!!!

    General appreciation for my scripts

    19 years ago (26 July 2005)

  54. Jerry Boling - Perfect popups suggestion

    Asking if popups should be opened as pop-under windows

    19 years ago (13 July 2005 to 26 July 2005)

  55. Christian Bennett - UK postal address Validation

    Trying to make a script to validate UK postal addresses

    19 years ago (22 July 2005 to 25 July 2005)

  56. Christoph Pichlmann - Suggestion for XML/XHTML prologue/conformance tag and IE(using conditional comments)

    A failed attempt to make a valid XHTML that uses the XML prolog but uses strict mode in Internet Explorer

    19 years ago (19 July 2005 to 25 July 2005)

  57. Mike Backhouse -

    General appreciation for one of my articles

    19 years ago (21 July 2005)

  58. Suresh Babu Pagadala - IFrame and DIV problem

    A firefox bug causing the page not to complete loading when deleting iframes

    19 years ago (15 July 2005)

  59. ACUnnamed - I need help with PNG images

    Using transparent PNGs as element backgrounds in Internet Explorer

    19 years ago (13 July 2005 to 15 July 2005)

  60. Jeevan Bihari - How to decompress large compressed strings in Javascript

    Asking for a script that can compress and decompress string data

    19 years ago (10 July 2005)

  61. Mike Mehraban - Re-sizing Textarea does not work in Mozilla

    Trying to resize a textarea relative to a parent element

    19 years ago (7 July 2005 to 9 July 2005)

  62. Tom Doan - Question about "Perfect popups" article

    Asking for browser compatibility information for my Perfect Popups script

    19 years ago (2 July 2005 to 6 July 2005)

  63. David Kotchan - Thanks for Tutorial + Strange Behaviour of Mini Window when Over Comboboxes (IE 6)

    Problems with select boxes showing through positioned elements in IE

    19 years ago (30 June 2005 to 4 July 2005)

  64. Mark S Stewart - web page accesibility - bravo!

    Praising my accessibility article (and pointing out a bookmarking problem)

    19 years ago (3 July 2005)

  65. Wayne Marsh - PureCSS Menu fix

    Inaccurate (and not exactly polite) email saying that closing LI tags are required for valid HTML pages (they are not required in HTML)

    19 years ago (2 July 2005 to 3 July 2005)

  66. George Avramoiu - onclick problem IE6

    Asking how to assign an onclick event handler inline so that it works cross-browser

    19 years ago (1 July 2005 to 2 July 2005)

  67. Jake Hawkes - Sortable tables library would be nice

    Asking if I could turn one of my personal scripts into a JavaScript library

    19 years ago (30 June 2005 to 2 July 2005)

  68. David Lavender - Refinements to Perfect Popup script?

    Making the perfect popups re-use an existing window

    19 years ago (28 June 2005 to 2 July 2005)

  69. Christian Pagé - Prevent web pages to be loaded in iframe

    What it says :)

    19 years ago (29 June 2005)

  70. Maria - Your web site

    Reliably opening and closing a popup when the user moves their mouse over a link (don't do it!)

    19 years ago (28 June 2005)

  71. Vinod Kannan - doubts on http interoperability testing

    Asking for a quick-and-easy way to check if a HTTP browser component complies with the HTTP spec

    19 years ago (26 June 2005 to 28 June 2005)

  72. Shawn DesRochers - Hello (Cross browser DHTML marquee)

    Making a cross browser DHTML marquee effect that validates

    19 years ago (25 June 2005)

  73. Rob McAleavy - Perfect Pop up ie & Firefox bug & help

    Noticing some unexpected behaviour with my Perfect Popups script

    19 years ago (22 June 2005 to 24 June 2005)

  74. Ben Sharp - help with radio site???

    Making a page dynamically update based on a timetable

    19 years ago (21 June 2005 to 24 June 2005)

  75. Laurent - tree

    Trying to make a drag-drop DHTML tree using vector based branch lines

    19 years ago (13 June 2005 to 20 June 2005)

  76. Wesley Bakker - Using your script in a dot net control....

    Using one of my scripts as part of a bundled software package

    19 years ago (18 June 2005 to 19 June 2005)

  77. Jeff Jones - Thanks for HowToCreate script reference

    General appreciation (tusen takk)

    19 years ago (18 June 2005)

  78. Erik Aronesty -

    Mistakenly thinking that IE treats text/plain as text/html if a charset is included in the Content-Type header

    19 years ago (15 June 2005 to 16 June 2005)

  79. Lee Barnett - Extracting single elements of data from an imported xml file

    Using XML importing to import and display simple data structures

    19 years ago (8 June 2005 to 10 June 2005)

  80. Barbara Newton and Kjell Martin - request to use progressbar.html under a commercial license

    Using one of my scripts as part of a bundled software package

    19 years ago (9 June 2005)

  81. Steve Day - Adding html and plain text to the current document

    Changing the contents of the page after it has loaded

    19 years ago (7 June 2005)

  82. Antony Ware - Nested list collapsing script - slow to compact on a page with lots of content.

    Telling my script to collapse lists before the page has completed loading

    19 years ago (3 June 2005 to 4 June 2005)

  83. Dean Kalmantis - Script to effect more than one instance

    Changing the style of two elements simultaneously on mouseover

    19 years ago (29 May 2005 to 1 June 2005)

  84. Monte Shaffer - Trapping Backspace Key in Mozilla does not function!

    Trying to prevent the user from being able to use heyboard shortcuts (not recommended, and I do not condone this practice)

    19 years ago (30 May 2005 to 31 May 2005)

  85. Andy Dillbeck - modifying RSS script to allow for it to only display one article, then going on to the next one

    Combining my RSS feed parser and message scroller to display one RSS item at a time

    19 years ago (23 May 2005 to 31 May 2005)

  86. Susan Boardman - unable to open

    Making a browser be the default browser on your computer

    19 years ago (30 May 2005)

  87. Francy Chacko - Detecting whether a browser window was opened with ctrl-n

    How to check if a user has two copies of the same page open at the same time

    19 years ago (27 May 2005)

  88. Just Cruzin' - collapsibleList trouble - Cannot get more than four

    Problems with quotes and paragraphs in my collapsible lists

    19 years ago (23 May 2005 to 27 May 2005)

  89. Philip Green - importXML.js and IE5.2(.3) Mac

    Possible improvements to my XML importing script

    19 years ago (26 May 2005)

  90. Tim Parkin - urlencoding on the popup library code

    Problems with IE replacing \ with %5C in URLs

    19 years ago (26 May 2005)

  91. Lai D WC - How to highlight a point

    Drawing dots and vector lines with scripts (without canvas or SVG)

    19 years ago (25 May 2005)

  92. Right 2 Swim ! - Hi, can you please tell me how to repair the 2 errors below? Regards Rol

    Trying to work out why the HTML validator shows errors for a page (it was generated in Microsoft Word - need I say more?)

    19 years ago (24 May 2005 to 25 May 2005)

  93. Isidoro Russo - Thanks for ImportXML :) and a question

    Noticing a difference between how different browsers handle CDATA in XML

    19 years ago (19 May 2005 to 24 May 2005)

  94. Franki - Making Internet Explorer 5.5+ use position: fixed

    Positioning fixed elements in other corners, and making it work in IE

    19 years ago (18 May 2005)

  95. Mahitha Kancherla - reg cursor positioning in textarea

    Asking how to set the cursor position in a textarea

    19 years ago (11 April 2005 to 18 May 2005)

  96. Kris Wallsmith - TextArea and iFrame code editor - help

    Where to get information about creating rich textareas

    19 years ago (17 May 2005)

  97. Jean Korte - Find in Page Script

    Noticing a Mozilla/Firefox bug causing problems in one of my scripts

    19 years ago (16 May 2005)

  98. Mr X - Testing More browsers- BeOS

    Asking if I can add some extra browsers to my browser speed tests

    19 years ago (15 May 2005 to 16 May 2005)

  99. Peter Fogg - Thanks!

    General appreciation (takk for fanposten)

    19 years ago (15 May 2005)

  100. Kris Zemlyak - Using your DHTML workaround for :hover on a div background...

    Emulating :hover on non-link elements in Internet Explorer

    19 years ago (13 May 2005)

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