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Emails I have received about this site

Showing 801-900 of 905

  1. Tim Romano - possible to get Left position of a relatively positioned Element ?

    Finding the position of an anchor

    20 years ago (21 May 2004 to 22 May 2004)

  2. Matthew Da Silva - collapsible tree remains open on returning to page

    Asking for an enhancement to my collapsible list script to make it remember the collapse state with cookies

    20 years ago (10 May 2004 to 19 May 2004)

  3. Joe Garcia - I modified one of your scripts ...

    Asking what wording I would like for my script on a site credits page

    20 years ago (18 May 2004)

  4. Shayne Arnold - Syntax Errors

    Help with concatenating strings (appending bits of text) and with test questions

    20 years ago (16 May 2004 to 18 May 2004)

  5. Vinny - Falling snow Javascript query

    Forcing a script to believe the browser window is a certain width

    20 years ago (16 May 2004 to 17 May 2004)

  6. NSaibot - cookie stuff

    String manipulation; adding or removing portions of a string

    20 years ago (14 May 2004)

  7. Adams Tan - Changing the width of collapsible list

    Changing the width of the list items with my collapsible list 'Coloured minimalist' theme

    20 years ago (11 May 2004 to 12 May 2004)

  8. Aaron Bennington - Perfect popups question and help :-)

    Asking for hep with my 'perfect' window resizing script

    20 years ago (10 May 2004 to 11 May 2004)

  9. Jack (TCC) - drop down menu navigation on Konqueror

    Making Konqueror scroll to the selectedIndex with <select> where size > 1

    20 years ago (04 May 2004)

  10. Anonymous - Making Internet Explorer use PNG Alpha transparency

    Absolutely positioning an alpha transparent PNG combined with my IE PNG alpha fix

    20 years ago (04 May 2004)

  11. KJ - mozilla problem

    Making my Perfect Popups resize to fit the size of an image

    20 years ago (30 April 2004 to 1 May 2004)

  12. Jvalej - stylesheet switcher and remembering a style in Opera and Mozilla

    Making my stylesheet switcher script remember the chosen style when the onunload event does not fire

    20 years ago (30 April 2004)

  13. Alexandru Lugojan - problem with my javascript slide-show

    Problems with a Geocities advert script interfering with other scripts

    20 years ago (29 April 2004 to 30 April 2004)

  14. John Kaye Quingua - trouble with <div> positioning

    Positioning a position:absolute; div relative to a <table align="center">

    20 years ago (25 April 2004)

  15. Oscar van Eijk - Looking for JavaScript knowledge for a new open-source project

    • Making browser window measurements and mouse event coordinates work cross browser.
    • Asking if I want to get involved in programming an open-source project - I don't really have the time to spare for this
    • Making JavaScript load external data from a server

    20 years ago (25 February 2004 to 23 April 2004)

  16. John Bilicki - hyperlink question

    Making links take up the full width of their container

    20 years ago (21 April 2004 to 22 April 2004)

  17. Ross Plourde - Collapsable FAQ List

    Trying to show/hide table rows

    20 years ago (21 April 2004)

  18. Benjamin Yogman - Detecting whether a browser window was opened with ctrl-n

    Maintaining a browser session across multiple windows

    20 years ago (8 April 2004 to 16 April 2004)

  19. Ric Carr - Your JavaScript Tutorial site is excellenet. Can you give me tips on how to ...

    Creating a DHTML animation using external HTML files

    20 years ago (15 April 2004)

  20. Jeremy Hodgson - Stylesheet Switcher

    Configuring and using my stylesheet switcher script

    Between 19 years ago and 20 years ago (21 December 2004 to 14 April 2004)

  21. Lionel Sauron - I have had a modification in your ProgressBar Script

    Offering an (unnecessary) improvement to my progress bar script

    20 years ago (5 April 2004 to 6 April 2004)

  22. Kalin - Importing functions

    Problems running functions from imported script files

    20 years ago (5 April 2004)

  23. No name - Learning JavaScript

    Asking for some beginners' information on JavaScript

    20 years ago (1 April 2004)

  24. Rajarshi Guha - using CSS menus inside a frame

    Asking if it is possible to use CSS to allow content from one frame to spill into another frame - it is not possible

    20 years ago (1 April 2004)

  25. Mark Johnson - css problems

    Cross browser problems with incorrect positioning of absolutely positioned elements

    20 years ago (24 March 2004)

  26. Matthew Hill - Problem referencing an input field

    Referencing a form input in another window

    20 years ago (18 March 2004)

  27. Kirill Tchourioukanov - Obtaining the browser window size in Safari?

    Problems with Safari failing to calculate the size of a page held in an iframe

    20 years ago (17 March 2004 to 18 March 2004)

  28. Toby Brown - Collapsable FAQ list

    Using DHTML to show and hide blocks of HTML

    20 years ago (13 March 2004 to 15 March 2004)

  29. Ranjan Datta - Plus Minus in Nested Lists Collasping Script

    Asking how to enhance my Nested List collapsing script

    20 years ago (14 March 2004)

  30. Yusuf Vindhani - Java Script

    Writing a JavaScript jigsaw puzzle

    20 years ago (9 March 2004)

  31. Bryn Dyment - problem with calculating browser window width

    Making browsers respect scrollbars when calculating window widths

    20 years ago (2 March 2004 to 4 March 2004)

  32. Steve K - cross frame image swapping

    Problems running scripts in incorrectly quoted HTML attributes

    20 years ago (25 February 2004)

  33. Paul Roper - [Product Name] - Javascript authoring tool

    Asking if I want to recommend a commercial product to my users

    20 years ago (22 February 2004 to 23 February 2004)

  34. Philip Taylor - Using JS to detect if CSS is enabled/disabled in NS4

    Attempting to detect if the user has disabled stylesheets in Netscape 4 browsers

    20 years ago (20 February 2004)

  35. Helen Winkten - Advertising with

    Asking if I want to join an advertising programme - I don't!

    20 years ago (20 February 2004)

  36. Andy Brook - caps lock detect script

    Improving my caps lock detect script

    20 years ago (19 February 2004)

  37. Diego Nei - HowToCreate : Missing fonts on client

    Providing a font-set that browsers will download and use as part of a stylesheet, but do not need to be installed on the user's computer

    20 years ago (17 February 2004 to 18 February 2004)

  38. Steve Swanson - CSS Menus and IE difficulties

    Avoiding a CSS menu Internet Explorer bug with hovering over positioned LI elements

    20 years ago (5 February 2004 to 18 February 2004)

  39. Massimo Camplone - Include iframe in miniwindow

    Making iframes resize to fit my mini windows

    20 years ago (13 February 2004)

  40. Franck Couvy - Encryption / Sliders

    • Offering an encryption script
    • Making a chart with dynamically sizable bars that converts into form data

    20 years ago (7 February 2004 to 13 February 2004)

  41. Anonymous - :) Nested list collapsing script !!

    Asking how to make my nested list collapsing script allow normal links to exist in the collapsing branch heading

    20 years ago (5 December 2003 to 13 February 2004)

  42. Henrik Fosgerau - Email validation with PHP

    Developing and improving my PHP email address validation script

    20 years ago (11 February 2004 to 12 February 2004)

  43. Linda Sawyer - Problems opening windows within web pages

    Problems with a popup blocker causing JavaScript errors whenever it tries to block popups

    20 years ago (5 February 2004)

  44. Armand - Problems with positioning in textarea!

    Asking how to work out the position of the text caret within a textarea

    20 years ago (2 February 2004 to 5 February 2004)

  45. Jon Erland Madsen - Why do not sliders work in Safari?

    Questioning why my sliders don't work in Safari [they DO work!]

    20 years ago (2 February 2004)

  46. A.L. Carney - Thank you for posting about link solicitation

    Thanking me for posting my reaction to a spam mail

    20 years ago (24 January 2004)

  47. Joshua Olson - caps lock script

    Asking for permission to re-adapt my caps lock detector script to update his original script

    20 years ago (29 December 2003 to 19 January 2004)

  48. Rob Wagner - multigraph script

    • Asking how to make rendering changes to my multigraph script
    • Asking how to use more than one of my sliders on one page

    20 years ago (12 November 2003 to 19 January 2004)

  49. Fuad Hazboun - I asking for ur help

    Browsers for mobile phones

    20 years ago (15 January 2004)

  50. Horvath Janos - hover behavior IE5+

    Using DHTML behaviours to emulate :hover in Internet Explorer

    20 years ago (5 January 2004)

  51. Abele Ferro - Problems with collapsibleList and draglayer

    Asking where to put the class definition array when using my Collapsible List script

    20 years ago (18 December 2003 to 19 December 2003)

  52. Daniel Gustafsson - I have a question

    Making a link embed a new page inside the current page

    20 years ago (3 November 2003 to 16 December 2003)

  53. Mark Janssen - i need your help please

    • Making Opera 7, Konqueror and Safari retain :active focus on div elements after a click (impossible)
    • Comparison between server side and client side stylesheet switchers
    • How to change the src of an image using CSS
    • Making horizontal pure CSS menus

    Between 21 years ago and 20 years ago (23 July 2003 to 14 December 2003)

  54. Chris Dyck - combining functions and if statements

    Making a JavaScript function run only if a server side variable matches a chosen value

    20 years ago (10 December 2003)

  55. Cody Dennison - question: generic dragable layer

    Asking about a bug in my dragable layer script

    20 years ago (7 December 2003)

  56. Vincent Dupont - question

    Asking how to change the CSS class that applies to a DIV element

    20 years ago (28 November 2003)

  57. Martin Dougiamas - Asking for permission to use html2text

    Using one of my scripts as part of a bundled software package

    20 years ago (6 November 2003 to 28 November 2003)

  58. Tim Jackson - Suggestion and ideas?

    Problems getting CSS layouts to work properly cross-browser

    20 years ago (2 November 2003 to 15 November 2003)

  59. Gill Bates - hello, I have a important question

    Asking if I can crack someone else's encryption technique - I'm not a security expert ...

    20 years ago (10 November 2003 to 12 November 2003)

  60. Dustin Kincaid - FYI

    Comment about optimising Roman Numerals

    21 years ago (29 October 2003 to 1 November 2003)

  61. Robert Lawrence - javascript

    Accessibility issues with reading the code samples on my site

    21 years ago (17 October 2003 to 23 October 2003)

  62. Larry Ross - Slider

    Positioning my DHTML sliders on a web page

    21 years ago (29 September 2003 to 22 October 2003)

  63. Brian Hamill - Can you Help?

    Avoiding browser security warnings when using SSL/HTTPS

    21 years ago (21 October 2003)

  64. Monika Godfrey - Mini Windows

    Making my mini windows have scrollbars

    21 years ago (17 October 2003 to 18 October 2003)

  65. Paul Lambert - window size

    • Finding the size of the document, window and print margins
    • Using CSS positioning to make complex shapes

    21 years ago (22 August 2003 to 8 October 2003)

  66. Isabel Madow -

    Exchanging links with another site

    21 years ago (7 October 2003)

  67. Ori.K - Resizing a table acording to sreen resolution

    Making a table resize with the window

    21 years ago (29 September 2003 to 6 October 2003)

  68. Nicolae Fieraru - Thank you

    General appreciation and comment on encryption / decryption controls

    21 years ago (5 October 2003)

  69. Urs Wagner - Menu with multiple frames

    Making a menu that works across frames

    21 years ago (19 September 2003 to 21 September 2003)

  70. Pascal Niklaus - Javascript

    Resizing a browser window to exactly fit its contents

    21 years ago (18 September 2003 to 19 September 2003)

  71. Mariana - very usefull

    General appreciation (thanks, I like fanmail!)

    21 years ago (11 September 2003 to 12 September 2003)

  72. Aurelien Marchand - About javascript security and big numbers for RSA encryption

    A way to emulate large number handling with JavaScript for use in RSA

    21 years ago (22 August 2003 to 10 September 2003)

  73. Hans Scholander - Howto drag an haircross to some image-map and send coordinates to server

    Dragging a positioned element with the mouse then finding its coordinates

    21 years ago (7 September 2003 to 9 September 2003)

  74. Dean Cole - Drop down menu

    Problem with absolutely positioned elements moving when the page is resized

    21 years ago (3 September 2003 to 4 September 2003)

  75. Jon Diemunsch - Hello can you help

    Confining HTML to a box on the page

    21 years ago (19 August 2003 to 20 August 2003)

  76. Dirk Van Der Made - bad site? it's worse!

    Pointing out another mistake in an example site in my site design sutorial

    21 years ago (9 August 2003 to 10 August 2003)

  77. Anna - Query - information swap

    CSS problem with overlapping DIVs showing through each other

    21 years ago (3 August 2003 to 4 August 2003)

  78. Stephen Ingledew -

    Appreciation for my support of so-called 'legacy browsers'

    21 years ago (30 July 2003 to 1 August 2003)

  79. Bhupendra Kumar Patidar - need help

    Alternately showing and hiding two tables generated by external scripts

    21 years ago (29 July 2003)

  80. Dick Robinson - Obtaining browser window size

    IE6 problems when implementing my window size script

    21 years ago (28 July 2003 to 29 July 2003)

  81. Michael Brandon - Pure CSS menus - your help would be appreciated

    • Allowing a parent item to have a link as well as a sub menu using pure CSS menus
    • Making menus that search engines can use

    21 years ago (27 July 2003 to 29 July 2003)

  82. Carlos Alexander Gómez - Collapsible Lists

    • Asking how to configure my collapsible list script to use HTML instead of just plain text
    • Developing and improving my collapsible list script

    21 years ago (11 July 2003 to 25 July 2003)

  83. James Polanski - Code Problems

    Problems with passing variables to a function

    21 years ago (20 July 2003 to 21 July 2003)

  84. Yoshi - iframes

    Embedding iframes in my mini windows

    21 years ago (18 July 2003 to 21 July 2003)

  85. Lim Kheng Aik - Multi Level Menu

    Configuring my multi level menu script to allow large amounts of text in the menu boxes

    21 years ago (17 July 2003)

  86. Jason Yau - Mini-window script

    Using one of my scripts on an internal corporate site

    21 years ago (16 July 2003 to 17 July 2003)

  87. Hibah Qubain -

    Asking how to configure my collapsible list script to use HTML instead of just plain text

    21 years ago (14 July 2003 to 15 July 2003)

  88. J.E. -

    General appreciation (thanks, I like fanmail!)

    21 years ago (26 June 2003 to 27 June 2003)

  89. Marc B. - Passing Document properties when self-submitting a form

    Appending the contents of a variable to the href of a link

    21 years ago (19 June 2003 to 20 June 2003)

  90. Brother Cake - Ultimate Dropdown Menu Feedback

    • Discussion about whether his DHTML menu - which supports more variations of the main browsers with pixel-perfect rendering - or my menu - which supports more brands of browsers, but has a few minor rendering bugs in some of the worst ones - offers the widest support for browsers
    • Developing un-spoofable sniffing techniques for Safari and OmniWeb
    • Developing CSS based menus

    21 years ago (10 January 2003 to 11 June 2003)

  91. Vidya Namasivayam - Need Information

    How to use multiple submit buttons to select the recipient of a form

    21 years ago (03 June 2003 to 04 June 2003)

  92. Paulo Araújo - Thank you for your site :)

    General appreciation and browser capability tester request

    21 years ago (31 May 2003 to 02 June 2003)

  93. Michael H. - height of a td element

    How to measure and change the height of a TD element

    21 years ago (29 May 2003 to 31 May 2003)

  94. Cetin Denislam - Cooool site ...

    General appreciation (thanks, I like fanmail!)

    21 years ago (30 May 2003)

  95. Stephen Johnston - Using Movable Mini Windows Script on a commercial Web Site!

    • Using my mini window script as the window manager for a virtual operating system
    • Developing and improving my mini window script
    • Developing my display based menu script

    21 years ago (15 May 2003 to 30 May 2003)

  96. Charlie Markwick - the site

    General appreciation (thanks, I like fanmail!)

    21 years ago (28 May 2003)

  97. Sribhuvaneshwari.R - answer for the query

    Working out the dates of the next five working days

    21 years ago (21 May 2003)

  98. Thomas James Thorstensson - IMPORTANT QUESTION, PROB RE NETSCAPE

    Activating my stylesheet switcher function from Flash

    21 years ago (15 May 2003 to 16 May 2003)

  99. John Tantalo - html form question

    How to rewrite page content after the page has loaded or write into a new popup window - basic DHTML

    21 years ago (30 April 2003)

  100. D Silver - browser sniffing?

    How to reliably sniff the user's browser

    21 years ago (29 April 2003)

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