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Emails I have received about this site

Showing 401-500 of 905

  1. Adrian L. Turner - CSS

    Faking :hover on non-link elements in IE

    18 years ago (27 March 2006 to 28 March 2006)

  2. V Phelps - Offsetting a Centered Perfect Popup Window

    Adjusting the centre position of a perfect popup

    18 years ago (25 March 2006 to 27 March 2006)

  3. Grey - Your server not reaction properly to http queries?

    Asking why my site is available as but not

    18 years ago (26 March 2006)

  4. David Wilson - thank you very much for your help with html & scripts

    Suggestions for my perfect popups script

    18 years ago (22 December 2005 to 26 March 2006)

  5. Charles Lowell - manually firing key events does not appear to trigger the default action

    Trying to mimic the browser specific behaviour of keypresses

    18 years ago (23 March 2006)

  6. Jim Trascapoulos - Making IE use PNG Alpha transparency - repeating areas and overlaying?

    Using a repeating transparent PNG background in IE

    18 years ago (23 March 2006)

  7. Jacob Brackett - turning and image on one of four random sides and displaying the image.

    Rotating images

    18 years ago (22 March 2006)

  8. Mike Byrne - Nested list collapsing script calling clickSmack manually

    Manually expanding nested lists

    18 years ago (21 March 2006 to 22 March 2006)

  9. Anonymous - If not cookies what alternative can i use?

    Maintaining sessions without cookies

    18 years ago (18 March 2006 to 22 March 2006)

  10. Vernon R. Tatem - I need help understanding DOM

    Running scripts inside dynamically created links

    18 years ago (1 March 2006 to 22 March 2006)

  11. Steve Nelson - nested list collapse menu - top level li as link in addition to trigger?

    Asking how to put links in the top level of a nested list that also expands the submenu

    Between 19 years ago and 18 years ago (18 September 2005 to 22 March 2006)

  12. Steve Sims - Just saying thank you for the HowToCreate W3C DOM tutorial

    Umm... :)

    18 years ago (18 March 2006)

  13. Hilary Mark Nelson - Showing details on your JavaScript and DOM object and method pages

    Allowing tree view details to be expanded/collapsed on my tutorials

    18 years ago (16 March 2006 to 17 March 2006)

  14. George Shearer - PNG file will not display in Firefox

    Corrupt PNG image only displaying in some browsers

    18 years ago (16 March 2006 to 17 March 2006)

  15. Kamil Kuza - z-index issues in css menu tutorial

    Preventing overlaps on CSS menus using z-index

    18 years ago (14 March 2006 to 16 March 2006)

  16. Matthew Simpson - JavaScript to call a function from a popup on a different page

    Scope errors in IE when creating functions in other pages

    18 years ago (14 March 2006 to 16 March 2006)

  17. Milind Nayse - problem using Microsoft.XMLHTTP

    Permission denied errors when using XMLHttpRequest in IE

    18 years ago (11 March 2006 to 16 March 2006)

  18. Vincent Hallberg - Javascript - fading transparent divs - mouseover DOM problem

    Mouse events incorectly firing when the mouse moves over a child element

    18 years ago (14 March 2006 to 15 March 2006)

  19. Mark Keys - RSS Atom feed parser - with out submit?

    Using my RSS/Atom feed parser without a form

    18 years ago (10 March 2006 to 15 March 2006)

  20. Eddie Pozdrav - MultiTorg Opera on your Acid2 screenshot page

    Asking for a copy of MultiTorg Opera

    18 years ago (11 March 2006)

  21. Rob Fracisco - Possible to not cache images

    Disabling image caching with my rollover script

    18 years ago (10 March 2006 to 11 March 2006)

  22. Ruth Williams - Thanks for your excellent CSS tips. I suggest to add "date modified" on these.

    Displaying a last modified date on my articles

    18 years ago (10 March 2006)

  23. Tyler Style - Movable Mini Windows script button images slightly broken on minimize

    Internet Explorer rendering glitch showing up on my script

    18 years ago (9 March 2006)

  24. Michal - Using the form recall function

    Using my script to remember a language choice

    18 years ago (8 March 2006 to 9 March 2006)

  25. Leonardo Malcovati - Permission to include RSS script in non-commercial widget

    Using one of my scripts as part of a bundled software package

    18 years ago (28 February 2006)

  26. Ali S. Alawami - Thank you from Arabian Deserts

    This site gets everywhere

    18 years ago (28 February 2006)

  27. Jonathan Nicholson - Save form values script

    Problems implementing one of my scripts

    18 years ago (20 February 2006 to 26 February 2006)

  28. Jakk - Other browsers not on your website

    Two browsers that are intentionally not mentioned

    18 years ago (12 February 2006 to 26 February 2006)

  29. Johannes Rössel - Found a minor mistake in your wrongWithIE rant

    A limitation of a CSS effect I had used

    18 years ago (25 February 2006)

  30. Rico Hehl - question about missing function: getRefToDivNest

    Pointing out a mistake in one of my scripts

    18 years ago (17 February 2006 to 20 February 2006)

  31. Jean-Paul Dzisiak - [slider] extra feature

    Clicking on the track to move the slider thumb

    18 years ago (14 February 2006 to 20 February 2006)

  32. Christopher Keys - Multi level menu generation controls Suggestions

    Positioning the menu using relative positioning

    18 years ago (14 February 2006 to 20 February 2006)

  33. Burt H. Shulman - javascript and context menus

    Applying opacity to images using the context menu

    18 years ago (2 February 2006 to 20 February 2006)

  34. Ann Vogel - nested list collapse menu - IE spacing problem

    Configuring my script

    18 years ago (28 January 2006 to 20 February 2006)

  35. Gabe Ladd - Wanting to know if I can use your RSS Javascript in a widget

    Using one of my scripts as part of a bundled software package.

    18 years ago (19 February 2006)

  36. Brian Arnopp - Help with search facility

    Making a database driven image gallery

    18 years ago (10 February 2006 to 16 February 2006)

  37. Andrew Watson - Find-in-page cursor position question

    Focusing a form input while the page is loading

    18 years ago (8 February 2006 to 13 February 2006)

  38. Chris Kenworthy - Thanks for HowToCreate script reference

    Using position:fixed; in IE

    18 years ago (12 February 2006)

  39. Marek Ondik - Permission for RSS reader script

    Using one of my scripts as part of a bundled software package.

    18 years ago (8 February 2006)

  40. Jenny Amparo - got hosted but i dont know where, and how to start.

    The subject says it all

    18 years ago (6 February 2006 to 7 February 2006)

  41. Erik Stubkjaer - Your opinion on SVG

    What it says

    18 years ago (1 February 2006 to 2 February 2006)

  42. Ian Chambers - A Copy of the questans.php script

    Asking for a copy of a utility script

    18 years ago (30 January 2006)

  43. Ice Ardor - Using validateEmail.php in Pascal Program

    Attempting to use sender validation to prevent spam (it is not effective, by the way)

    18 years ago (19 January 2006 to 29 January 2006)

  44. Christopher L. Sayers - Making Internet Explorer use PNG Alpha transparency

    Applying the IE alpha fix in a scroller script

    18 years ago (19 January 2006 to 21 January 2006)

  45. Mark Janssen - Internet Explorer Alpha PNG

    • Avoiding gamma correction mistakes and JPEG colour changes in Internet Explorer
    • Making Opera do fade effects

    Between 20 years ago and 18 years ago (1 January 2004 to 17 January 2006)

  46. Dario Maggiorini - RSS parser and XML importer

    Asking for permission to redistribute modified versions of my scripts

    18 years ago (12 January 2006)

  47. Greg - Help with java commands sending to text areas

    Setting the value of a form input

    18 years ago (11 January 2006 to 12 January 2006)

  48. Harry H. Arends - showhide.js wont close

    Problems using one of my scripts in an ASP page

    18 years ago (11 January 2006 to 12 January 2006)

  49. Anne - email subscriber form that

    Asking for an email subscription and CMS recommendation

    18 years ago (8 January 2006)

  50. Stanley M Debono - thanks for browser speed comparison article

    Thanking me for two of my articles

    18 years ago (3 January 2006 to 8 January 2006)

  51. Steve Lim - Extra Html in Nested list collapsing script

    How to use images with my script

    18 years ago (31 December 2005 to 8 January 2006)

  52. Camilo Vergara Muñoz - Inserting Rows by Code

    Inserting rows into a table in a way that works in IE Mac

    18 years ago (30 December 2005 to 8 January 2006)

  53. TTech - mini-window: XML parsing?

    Using an XML file as the configuration for my display based menu

    18 years ago (22 December 2005 to 8 January 2006)

  54. Leena - Cannot get the data from XML file after refreshing HTML page

    Bugs in IE's proprietary XML data islands

    18 years ago (4 January 2006 to 6 January 2006)

  55. Derek Sadler - problem using DOM Tree with Windows XP

    Internet Explorer 6 XP SP 2 breaking local script utilities

    18 years ago (4 January 2006)

  56. William Wedler - initializing page before window.onload event fires

    Running a script before images and iframes have loaded

    18 years ago (4 January 2006)

  57. Sunil Tuppale - Script Issues with Netscape and Firefox

    Gecko browsers failing to complete loading when document.write is used

    18 years ago (21 December 2005 to 4 January 2006)

  58. Deepa Kuruvilla - Problem with form element array

    Referencing form elements by their ID

    18 years ago (22 November 2005 to 4 January 2006)

  59. Jonathan Leger - Just wanted to thank you for the great resizer script.

    Subject says it all

    18 years ago (30 December 2005)

  60. Shawn Dow - Status Bar error on page caused by Javascript

    Debugging an error that only shows up in a specific install of IE

    18 years ago (30 December 2005)

  61. Anonymous - reference a iframe from a different file

    Asking for help with a Firefox extension (I am not the right person to ask)

    18 years ago (26 December 2005 to 27 December 2005)

  62. Robert Coogan - Mac Hardware for Browser Speed Tests

    Asking me to test on more powerful Mac hardware

    18 years ago (22 December 2005)

  63. Kevin Rodgers - how to visually denote <br />

    Styling BR elements so they become visible, cross-browser

    18 years ago (22 December 2005)

  64. Alejandro Exojo - Konqueror 3.5 and browser speed chart

    Asking how I compile Konqueror for the speed tests

    18 years ago (22 December 2005)

  65. Charlie Sorsby - May I put a link to your site on my personal web pages?

    Asking for permission to link to my site

    18 years ago (20 December 2005 to 21 December 2005)

  66. T. J. Steed - problem with setExpression statement

    Statically positioning a table header row

    18 years ago (9 December 2005 to 20 December 2005)

  67. Per V - Dragable table cell enhancement

    Drag-drop sorting of table rows and columns

    18 years ago (11 December 2005 to 19 December 2005)

  68. Morten Thunberg Svendsen - The History test in browser speed comparisons

    Asking if Firefox deserves a better time for history use

    18 years ago (16 December 2005 to 18 December 2005)

  69. Hagen Hoden - IE7 Beta 1 - "offline mode" messes up windows

    Problems when using IE 7 packages

    18 years ago (15 December 2005 to 16 December 2005)

  70. Ministeyr - CSS box model problems: Opera and FF/Konqueror render differently

    A bug with auto height on nested positioned elements

    18 years ago (10 December 2005 to 15 December 2005)

  71. Zack Zielke - problems using importxml.js on [blog site]

    Trying to use my RSS parser without the PHP passthu script

    18 years ago (9 December 2005 to 15 December 2005)

  72. Ted Gould - Question regarding Firefox's results!

    Asking me to include tweaked installs in the browser performance tests

    18 years ago (12 December 2005)

  73. Kim Kortermand - Javascript to fetch the HTML source from any homepage and put it into a variable

    Trying to retrieve source code from other domains

    18 years ago (7 December 2005 to 9 December 2005)

  74. David Hammond - You should update the "Fanboy rants" section

    Ignoring my request not to send me email

    18 years ago (6 December 2005 to 7 December 2005)

  75. Gary Turner - IE-wrong xhtml demo

    Asking how IE 6 can sometimes view the page

    18 years ago (2 December 2005)

  76. Leif Sørensen - Hi Mark. I have used some code from - Finding how far the window has been scrolled

    Thanking me for (a part of) my JavaScript tutorial

    Between 19 years ago and 18 years ago (19 February 2005 to 1 December 2005)

  77. Jan Vandorpe - XML import script

    Importing XML files from other servers

    18 years ago (29 November 2005)

  78. Barry Samuels - 'People who like to make pages available offline'

    Asking how to deny certain abusive crawlers from indexing a site

    18 years ago (28 November 2005)

  79. Alex Labram - Fan mail

    Is there anything I can say that is not in the subject? ;)

    18 years ago (24 November 2005)

  80. Matthew Coertze - importXML ie6 iframe problem

    Making IE import XML without using ActiveX

    18 years ago (23 November 2005 to 24 November 2005)

  81. James Robson - Help needed on changeStyle script

    Implementing my stylesheet switcher script across multiple frames

    18 years ago (12 November 2005 to 20 November 2005)

  82. Brian Meyer - question regarding cross-domain iframe control

    Allowing frames to access each other's content, when the pages in them come from different domains

    18 years ago (1 November 2005 to 15 November 2005)

  83. James Sedoff - Resizing images off of links in frameset

    Resizing images so they fit the frame they are being displayed in

    Between 19 years ago and 18 years ago (30 October 2005 to 15 November 2005)

  84. Philip Chalmers - Browser stats

    Misinterpreting my reasons for saying not to rely on browser statistics when building or maintaining Web site

    18 years ago (7 November 2005)

  85. Erik Murphy-Chutorian - regarding browser speeds

    Asking why Opera sometimes seems to be slower at rendering pages that contain several hundred images

    18 years ago (3 November 2005)

  86. James Bagley - change link after a number of days

    Displaying some 'New' text beside links that are a certain number of days old

    Between 19 years ago and 18 years ago (6 September 2005 to 1 November 2005)

  87. Torsten Rahn - Nice Browser Comparison

    Pointing out a version numbering mistake in my browser speed tests

    19 years ago (30 October 2005)

  88. Avetis Ioannisyan - your pop-up re-sizing code for images was SUPER!!

    Thanking me for my perfect popups script

    19 years ago (26 October 2005)

  89. Clivus Nondog - javascript oddity in all recent Opera

    Avoiding reflow bugs (in this case, where a size change for a table cell is not shown)

    19 years ago (21 October 2005 to 22 October 2005)

  90. Bryan Goldstein - RSS Template In Wcode

    A dashboard widget bug where # characters in URLs are converted into %23 when you try to open them

    19 years ago (21 October 2005)

  91. Niklas Hjelm - Using the pop-up script with .asp problem

    Problems implementing one of my scripts on an ASP page

    19 years ago (20 October 2005 to 21 October 2005)

  92. Richard DeVenezia - Many thanks for "Making Internet Explorer 5.5+ use position: fixed;"

    Thanking me for one of my articles

    19 years ago (20 October 2005)

  93. Marco Paland - Is there a javascript function to get the document size?

    Working out the size of the contents of a document

    19 years ago (18 October 2005)

  94. Charlie - how do I add a sidebar to my webpage?

    Positioning part of a web page beside the main content

    19 years ago (17 October 2005)

  95. Bloodflowers - Fixing one of internet Explorer's glitches. the Overflow:visible; problem-

    Simulating overflow:visible; in Internet Explorer

    19 years ago (16 October 2005 to 17 October 2005)

  96. Mark Canada - Dynamically "create" windows using the Movable Windows script

    Asking if my script can be adapted to create mini windows after the page has loaded

    19 years ago (10 October 2005 to 12 October 2005)

  97. Robert McCormack - Permission to Use JS Syntax in Konfabulator Widget

    Using one of my scripts as part of a bundled software package.

    19 years ago (10 October 2005)

  98. Ken - opening a window at top left corner

    manipulating the browser window using scripts

    19 years ago (10 October 2005)

  99. John T. Hansen - perfect popup not quite fullscreen

    Trying to ignore my email guidelines (it doesn't work)

    19 years ago (8 October 2005 to 10 October 2005)

  100. Aakash Sharma - Regarding Web Browsers

    Asking for advice on performing browser speed tests

    19 years ago (6 October 2005 to 7 October 2005)

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